Activating the Demo License

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After installing the BIM HVACTool Client, the following start icon will appear on the desktop:
After double-clicking the start icon, the following user interface will appear:
After starting the software, the project manager will open. Here, you can manage your projects and activate the license. To do so, click on the “License” button. Since you do not yet have a license, you can request a 30-day demo license. This will be generated automatically when you create a new account.
In the next window, you need to enter your email address. You can choose a password yourself. Repeat your password entry and then click “Create.”
The license server will send an email to the address you provided. If you do not receive an email, please check your SPAM folder. In the email, click the link to activate your account:
Please confirm the activation link in the email to receive the code and a follow-up email.
Your browser should open, and you should see a message indicating that the license has been activated.
You should also receive an email confirming that the license has been activated. “Your BIM HVACTool trial subscription is active now – 30 days.”

In the next step, click the “Back” button. The window will close, and you will return to the login screen. Enter your email and password again, then click “Login.” If your account has been successfully activated, the license server should assign a license to you.

You can verify whether the license has been successfully assigned by checking the Quick Access Toolbar. Depending on the modules you own, it should no longer appear grayed out.
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